The Paper Trail



Rescue Chopper

Rescue Chopper

Monotype. You print in reverse after painting ink on plates and using mineral spirits to break it up.

Monotype. You print in reverse after painting ink on plates and using mineral spirits to break it up.

Lithography made for a local veteran.

Lithography made for a local veteran.

Psychological Armor is a collection prints made from polymer plates that I designed. Really intensive project with Steve Miller, an amazing educator who still impacts me a dozen years later.

Psychological Armor is a collection prints made from polymer plates that I designed. Really intensive project with Steve Miller, an amazing educator who still impacts me a dozen years later.

The Paper Trail

I spent a few years travelling off and on with the Combat Paper team teaching screen printing to vets at universities and also learning from instructors around the nation in papermaking, print and binding techniques both ancient and modern.